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Category: Blockchain

Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallet

Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallet

Wallets are something that always stays closer and pampered. Be it the wallet we carry in our bags or the payment wallets we use for exchanges. They are incredibly dear as they maintain our assets. Similar is the case of a blockchain wallet. A blockchain wallet allows users to manage different cryptocurrencies — for example, Bitcoin or Ethereum. It is software that helps someone exchange funds quickly. Here, the transactions are cryptographically signed; the user’s […]

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The Bitcoin- Double-Spending Business

The Bitcoin- Double-Spending Business

The evolution of blockchain came with many synonyms. There advanced many choices to the real world problems offering better business model and economic structure. The most pivotal was the evolution of Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency gave a new definition to the way businesses and individuals transacted. It replaced the conventional model of exchanges replacing fiat. From a regulated physical cash, there was an upspring of decentralized digital cash unbacked by a single body. While the digital cash […]

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Hash Function-The Heart of Blockchain

Hash Function-The Heart of Blockchain

Blockchain technology is undoubtedly one of the most defining technological innovations of our times. It has refined the mode of verification and storing of digital transactions through Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT). However, to decipher the working of blockchain, one needs to conquer the basic idea of Hashing. If you are new to blockchain and wish to understand how blockchain works, then grasping this concept will come in handy. I’ll try to simplify hashing in this […]

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Merkle Patricia Trie in Ethereum: A Silhouette

Merkle Patricia Trie in Ethereum: A Silhouette

Blockchain has the potential to do many things, however to achieve these things one thing is vital- Programmability. Ethereum is a programmable blockchain that lets you do many things making it truly transformational. It runs down a wide variety of applications meeting different industry needs and purposes. This is the reason that Ethereum accounts and transactions have too many associated properties which need to be efficiently represented. If you ask for Ethereum’s key data structure, […]

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PATRICIA TRIE: A PREDESTINED BLOCKCHAIN THING If you spend time learning blockchain technology, certain terms keep pondering and you start to familiar with it. “ Merkle Tree” and “ Patricia Trie” are among the terms in particular that seem to pop every now and again. Well, quite essential parts of the blockchain thing. Fear not, dear readers, you’ll eventually gather the concept as I am going to keep things simpler. To brief, Trie is a data structure used in applications […]

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