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Category: Blockchain

What’s in Store for Blockchain in 2022

What’s in Store for Blockchain in 2022

Blockchain is one of the technologies that never stops its diameter from stretching. Right from the inception, it is seen to be constantly evolving, branching across different arenas resolving various conventional woes. The rising popularity of blockchain techniques is significantly seen to change the way digital and networking systems operate and manage. In the meantime, constant updations in blockchain technology are expected to bring new open issues and challenges for research communities. Well……all these bring […]

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Polkadot: A Detailed Technical Impression

Polkadot: A Detailed Technical Impression

Hi Everyone, Didn’t we promise a detailed blog on Polkadot last week? Here is the technical impression of Polkadot Blockchain giving you a much-magnified outlook of its architecture and working philosophy. If you have missed our previous blog on Polkadot, please find it here. To get started, let’s get back to the ideation of Blockchain. The technology of Blockchain was primarily introduced to solve the issues caused by centralization. The distributed, peer-to-peer network succeeded in eliminating the need for third […]

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Polkadot: The Connecting Dots of Blockchain

Polkadot: The Connecting Dots of Blockchain

Polkadot is one of the several competing blockchains that aims to grow an ecosystem of its own. Launched in 2020, Polkadot is among the newest, that trends for enumerable reasons. The latest fad introduces many novel technical features that suffice current blockchain challenges including scalability and low throughput. All thanks to Gavin Wood ( Co-Founder of Ethereum) who proposed Polkadot alongside the other co-founders’ Peter Czaban and Robert Habermeier. If one delves into the history of Polkadot, the idea […]

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Explaining Cryptography in Blockchain

Explaining Cryptography in Blockchain

Cryptography is one significant element, a major technology that blankets blockchain with ultimate security, making it all tamper-proof. Do you know blockchain makes use of two main cryptographic primitives: Hashing and Digital Signature. We’ve already seen what Hashing is in the previous article. Now let’s dissect what Digital Signatures is all about. Well….wait. Before heading towards the Digital Signatures, let’s quickly stroll through a set of terms that closely resides to Cryptography. That helps you better mug the concept. To start with, let’s […]

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All About Transactions in Blockchain

All About Transactions in Blockchain

One might have come across the word “transaction” several times if they made an attempt to read on blockchain. Transactions are inseparable entities when blockchain comes into the talk point. What exactly are transactions? How are they processed in a blockchain network? These are the questions every enthusiasts checks on if they are newbies in the subject. This article gives you a detailed description of the entire journey of a transaction in a blockchain. With […]

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