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Decentralized Finance In Three Minutes

Decentralized Finance In Three Minutes

Conventional financial services are centralized systems involving intermediaries like banks, agents, brokers etc. The involvement of third parties has increased over the years to meet the complexities of emerging financial systems. But fewer setbacks limit its perspective. For instance, your financial services choices are often regulated by local jurisdiction corresponding to your geographic location. The involvement of human intermediaries complicates the process by increasing cost and adding time delay. You are forced to trust the […]

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An Ultimate Guide To Blockchain Forks

An Ultimate Guide To Blockchain Forks

Earlier, we saw the fork in Bitcoin and how it is resolved. This article will deep dive into some significant forks in blockchain and understand them in detail. Access it here if you have missed the early piece on blockchain fork. In the previous blog, we learned the blockchain branches are based on the split and its effect on the blockchain functioning. We will stick to a simple classification: soft forks and hard forks. The example we saw in the […]

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Forks in Blockchain

Forks in Blockchain

“A blockchain is a “chain” of blocks, where each block stores a pointer to its previous block.” As the blockchain continues to grow by adding more and more blocks, some scenarios may lead to the split of blockchain into one more potential path. For example, if one or more blocks point to a different block, this causes a split, producing a second blockchain that shares its history with the original but moves forward in a […]

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What’s in Store for Blockchain in 2022

What’s in Store for Blockchain in 2022

Blockchain is one of the technologies that never stops its diameter from stretching. Right from the inception, it is seen to be constantly evolving, branching across different arenas resolving various conventional woes. The rising popularity of blockchain techniques is significantly seen to change the way digital and networking systems operate and manage. In the meantime, constant updations in blockchain technology are expected to bring new open issues and challenges for research communities. Well……all these bring […]

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Polkadot: A Detailed Technical Impression

Polkadot: A Detailed Technical Impression

Hi Everyone, Didn’t we promise a detailed blog on Polkadot last week? Here is the technical impression of Polkadot Blockchain giving you a much-magnified outlook of its architecture and working philosophy. If you have missed our previous blog on Polkadot, please find it here. To get started, let’s get back to the ideation of Blockchain. The technology of Blockchain was primarily introduced to solve the issues caused by centralization. The distributed, peer-to-peer network succeeded in eliminating the need for third […]

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