
Sign-A-Doc is a Blockchain-powered Document Signing and Verification System developed by Kerala Blockchain Academy.

Sign-A-Doc will help you sign documents where multi-party signatures are required and help you keep your documents tamper-proof using Blockchain technology.

The authenticity of the document can be verified instantly by scanning a QR code or simply through a button click.

Sign-A-Doc Feaures

Multi-Party Signing

Sign-A-Doc supports multi-party signatures where the issuer can upload the document, prioritize the signees and relax..! Sign-A-Doc will notify when all of them sign the document.

Dual Network Compatibility

You can upload PDF, Microsoft Word or even Images into Sign-A-Doc that too documents with multiple pages. Just put the placeholders where you need the signatures. You are done…!

Tamper-proof and Verifiable

Sign-A-Doc is backed by Blockchain technology that will make your document tamper-proof. You can verify the authenticity of your document in just a click.