Blockchain Research
The Blockchain Research Group at Kerala Blockchain Academy promotes Theoretical and Applied Research on blockchain technologies and the publication of the results in the form of scientific papers and contributions to conferences and other media. Our experienced Research Scientists and R&D Engineers focuses on leveraging the disruptive innovations of Blockchain for the Societal Good and Sustainable Development. KBRG’s mission is to advance the research and development of blockchain-based technologies for use in Business, Finance, Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and all other areas of potential impact. We are always open to collaborations with the Industry and Academia across the globe for reaping the benefits of Blockchain technology for creating a sustainable world.

Research Publications
KBRG actively publishes its research output in international journals and conferences. Some of our recent research publications can be accessed below:
1. “A Transparent and Traceable Coverage Analysis Model for Vaccine Supply-Chain Using Blockchain Technology”, Adarsh S., Shon Joseph, Franklin John, Lekshmi M. B, and Asharaf S., IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 23, Issue – 4, Pages 28-35. [Impact Factor: 2.626]
2. “Blockchain for Healthcare: Securing Patient Data and Enabling Trusted Artificial Intelligence”, Jennath H. S., Anoop V. S., and Asharaf S., International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6, Issue – 3, Pages 15-23. [Impact Factor: 3.137]
3. “Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for Enabling a Trusted Ecosystem for Healthcare Sector”, Anoop V. S. and Asharaf S., Intelligent Healthcare: Infrastructure, Algorithms, and Management, Springer.
4. “Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for Smart Agriculture: Emergence, Opportunities, and Challenges”, Anoop V. S. and Asharaf S., Artificial Intelligence and Smart Agriculture: Technology and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
5. “Parkchain: A Blockchain-Powered Parking Solution for Smart Cities”, Jennath H. S., Adarsh S., Nikhil V. Chandran, Ananthan R., Sabir A., and Asharaf S., Frontiers in Blockchain, Vol. 2, Pages 1-10.
6. “Distributed IoT and Applications”, Jennath H. S., Adarsh S., and Anoop V. S., Integrated Intelligent Computing, Communication and Security, Vol. 771, Pages 333-341, Springer.
Decentralized Lab
Kerala Blockchain Academy established the Decentralized Lab to experiment with the Public Blockchain Systems. This research lab focuses on setting up multi-node Blockchain noeds to simulate the actual working of Blockchain networks. Some of the capabilities of the Lab are on creating Local Test Faucents, Multi-node set up for Ethereum Client (Geth), development of advanced Blockchain simulators and Ethstats – A dashboard for monitoring networks, etc.
Decentralized Lab actively engages in research related to the underpinnings of Blockchain and collabroates with Industry to undertake consultancy activities on the core areas of research.

Decentralized Lab
KBARG actively researches on leveraging Blockchain Technology for meeting Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations. We specifically focus on Goal 1, 3, 4 and 13 and our research is aligned with “No Poverty”, “Good Health and Well-being”, “Quality Education” and “Climate Action”. KBARG collaborates with Academia, Industries and other NGO and Non-profit Organizations to harness the power of Blockchain for meeting these Goals by 2030.