Data Collection &
Relevance Generated
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Algorithmic Acquisition
& Matching Text Speech
Data & Quality
Expertise Ethically
Our mission is to accelerate the development of AI
Innovative technology company that specializes in developing and implementing artificial intelligence solutions for various industries.
They provide advanced machine learning algorithms and data analytics tools to help businesses optimize their operations, increase efficiency, and enhance customer experience. Their expertise ranges from natural language processing and computer vision to predictive analytics.
What Solutions We Best Offer
AI Solution For
Your Business
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Our Team Members
We care about your opinion
Stepping into the world of Blockchain from a background in mathematics has been an exhilarating journey, one that has redefined my understanding of technology and its potential to revolutionise industries. From the very first day, it was evident that the Blockchain Academy was not just another educational institution but a hub of innovation and forward-thinking. What sets this
Nandana V
Student, Postgraduate Diploma in Blockchain
I completed the Certified Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals Program from KBA. I was able to understand the logical and architectural components of the Fabric platform. I was able to create a private network of my own. Thank you, Kerala Blockchain Academy, for providing an awesome learning experience.
Kishan Marsonia
Founder, Infinblock
I’m happy to announce that I have completed the Blockchain Foundation Program of Kerala Blockchain Academy. The skills and knowledge I acquired through this program will prove invaluable in my future pursuits related to blockchain. Looking forward to do the advanced developer courses at Kerala Blockchain Academy.
Smit Bhanushali
Frontend Developer, INFYSKILL EDUTECH
The Certified Blockchain Associate Program of Kerala Blockchain Academy gave me valuable insights into blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionise various industries. I’m thrilled to apply this knowledge to future projects and explore the limitless possibilities of blockchain.
Dhananjay Cheratt
Data Analytics Student, Digital university of kerala
We’ve used aipt for the last five years. I didn’t even need training. Thanks for the great service. I like aipt more and more each day because it makes my life a lot easier. I couldn’t have asked for more.
Laura Lopez - CEO Cryptic
Nice work on your aipt. We’ve used aipt for the last five years. I didn’t even need training. Thanks for the great service. I like aipt more and more each day because it makes my life a lot easier.
Will Smith - CEO Envato
From the Blog
Chat AI Prompts to the Next Level
Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish...
Google Rolls Out Its Bard Chatbot
Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish...
GPT-4 Will Make AiPT Smarter
Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish...